Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows

Graduate Students:


  • Caleb Mathias (MSc) – ‘Investigating Holocene Glacier Fluctuations in Eastern Yukon Territory’
  • Audrey Faber (MSc) – ‘Sand provenance, Calvert Island’
  • Alex Bevington (PhD) – ‘Paraglacial effects in western Canada’


  • Sergio Vazquez Tagle Gallegos (MSc, 2024) – ‘Lidar-based snow depths in the Lajoie Watershed, southern Coast Mountains’
  • Adam Hawkins (PhD, 2023) – ‘Late Holocene Glacier Fluctuations at high latitudes’
  • Marzieh Mortezapour (PhD, 2020) – ‘Improved modelling strategies for glacier mass balance studies
  • Ben Pelto (PhD, 2020) – ‘Glacier Change in the Columbia Basin, Canada
  • Malyssa Maurer (MSc, 2015) – ‘Late Holocene Glacier Fluctuations in Southernmost Patagonia’
  • Rob Vogt (MSc, 2014) – ‘Development and Testing of a Regional Glacier Erosion Model’
  • Matt Beedle (PhD, 2013) – ‘Glacier Change, Cariboo Mountains, British Columbia Canada’
  • Marit Heidemann (PhD, 2013) – ‘Flood Hazard and Risk, Lillooet River Basin’
  • Theo Mlynowki (MSc, 2013) – ‘Influence of Glacier Change on Sediment Yield, Peyto Basin, Alberta Canada’
  • Teresa Brewis (MSc, 2013) – ‘Glacier Change and Contribution to Streamflow in the Canoe Basin, British Columbia, 1948-2005’
  • Christina Tennant (MSc, 2012) – ‘Nine Decades of Glacier Change in the Canadian Rocky Mountains’
  • Lorenz Bruchert (MSc, 2012) – ‘Tool Stone Provinance, Nechako Plateau, British Columbia, Canada’
  • Courtney Jermyn (MSc, 2011) – ‘An Approach for Remote Landslide Mapping, South Nahanni Watershed, Northwest Territories, Canada’
  • Kara Przeczek (MSc, 2010) – ‘Assessment of Optimum Snowmelt Complexity, Cariboo Highlands, British Columbia, Canada’
  • Chanone Ryane (MSc, 2009) – ‘Holocene Glacier Fluctuations, Mt. Baker’
  • Janice Brahney (MSc, 2007) – ‘Paleolimnology of Kluane Lake’

Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Associates:


  • Dr. Aaron Steelquist (SFU)
  • Dr. Sergey Marchenko (VIU)
  • Dr. Rosie Biset (VIU)


  • Dr. Christoper Donahue
  • Dr. Hun Choe
  • Dr. Chibuike Onwukwe
  • Dr. Siraj Ul Islam
  • Dr. Anna Chesnokova
  • Dr. Jacob Bendle
  • Dr. Scott Williamson (Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Northern BC)
  • Dr. Rupal Brahmbhat
  • Dr. Kriti Mukherjee
  • Dr. Chris Darvill (University of Durham) –  ‘Bedrock erosion rates and provenance of Calvert Island sand, Hakai Beach Institute’
  • Rob Vogt (MSc) – LiDAR Research Associate
  • Dr. Matt Beedle (Adjunct Professor, University of Northern BC)
  • Dr. Marelin Fernandez (Research Scientist, Cadic-Conicet, Ushuaia, Argentina)
  • Dr. Federico Ponce (Research Scientist, Cadic-Conicet, Ushuaia, Argentina)
  • Dr. Joe Shea (Icimod)
  • Dr. Tobias Bolch (University of Zurich)
  • Dr. Erik Schiefer (University of Northern Arizona)